About Me

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Hola! Hello! Bonjour! Szerbus! Ciao! My name is Catalina and I'm a freelance photogrher based in Charlotte, North Carolina. Hola! Me llamo Catalina y son una fotografa en Charlotte, Carolina del Norte. Although a straight-A student in high school, I loathed and somehow managed to skip Physics in order to print in the dark room. Now, with the passing of each day, I am more and more passionate about photography and the moments I can capture through my lens - abstract or otherwise. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Jason - Portrait

Several posts ago I published 2 photos of some cool amps owned by custom music and sound designer extraordinaire Jason Hausman. Now, it's time to post my most favorite Jason portrait. For his coming-soon new website (current site - www.hotsake.tv), Jason wanted to go for a dark, mysterious look. We are both pretty stoked with the results.

I thank once more Zack Arias and his one-light DVD, which helped me in achieving this look.
Zack, I hope you are seeing this! Thank you!
Welcome back from Dubai!
Can't wait to see more of your photos and hear about the trip!



Charlotte Wedding Photographer - The Schultzes

very cool, catalina!

erika terry

this is truly an amazing picture, he looks like zeus or somebody with a lot of wisdom and power.


All images on this blog are COPYRIGHT protected.

Images are not to be reproduced, downloaded or published without permission from Catalina Photography.



Thank you for visiting my blog!
You can check out more of my work at www.catalinaphotography.com
I am happy to answer any questions you might have and always appreciate your feedback via this blog or email me at