About Me

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Hola! Hello! Bonjour! Szerbus! Ciao! My name is Catalina and I'm a freelance photogrher based in Charlotte, North Carolina. Hola! Me llamo Catalina y son una fotografa en Charlotte, Carolina del Norte. Although a straight-A student in high school, I loathed and somehow managed to skip Physics in order to print in the dark room. Now, with the passing of each day, I am more and more passionate about photography and the moments I can capture through my lens - abstract or otherwise. Enjoy!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Creative Loafing Cover

I shot the cover for this week's Creative Loafing here in Charlotte, NC.
My editor liked my Battle of the Hoods cover from 2008 and asked me to create something similar for the 2009 Battle of the Hoods.

I went for a Fight Club, more grungy feel and had a chance to work with new off-camera lighting techniques, inspired by the AMAZING Zack Arias. He truly is a great photographer, a master of the white background portrait and teacher of great one light photography techniques.

I shot these series of portraits with 1 Alien Bee and a 20 degree honeycomb grid.

This first image was the one chosen for this week's cover.


These next 2 are other images I shot for the cover.



And this image was the inside cover shot for 2009 Battle of the Hoods.


There's still time to pick up your very own copy of this week's Creative Loafing!



Sumanete expresivas las fotos. Te felicitio por haber captado las expresiones.


No me gustaria encontrarme con ninguno de los dos en un callejon oscuro.....LOL!!!

La expresion de ambos es increible.


All images on this blog are COPYRIGHT protected.

Images are not to be reproduced, downloaded or published without permission from Catalina Photography.



Thank you for visiting my blog!
You can check out more of my work at www.catalinaphotography.com
I am happy to answer any questions you might have and always appreciate your feedback via this blog or email me at