About Me

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Hola! Hello! Bonjour! Szerbus! Ciao! My name is Catalina and I'm a freelance photogrher based in Charlotte, North Carolina. Hola! Me llamo Catalina y son una fotografa en Charlotte, Carolina del Norte. Although a straight-A student in high school, I loathed and somehow managed to skip Physics in order to print in the dark room. Now, with the passing of each day, I am more and more passionate about photography and the moments I can capture through my lens - abstract or otherwise. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

It's a BOY!!!!!!!

Erika is one of my best friends. I've known her since our freshmen year in college - back in 1997. We played on the Queens College Tennis team for a season and were part of a close group of friends all throughout college.

I had the pleasure of photographing Erika's wedding (one of my very first!)
back in 2004 and soon thereafter she and her husband Mike moved to Columbia, SC.

Once they came back to Charlotte, we started having breakfast every week, to catch up and know what was going on in each others lives. We have done this for the past 3 years, and it has been my absolute pleasure to see her belly grow and watch her become a mom!

She knew it was a boy, but she wouldn't share his name until he was born.

And so, on Tuesday, September 23rd, Jamison Michael came into this world - a beautiful, strong and healthy boy. I was attending the David Williams Seminar up in Raleigh when he was born, so it was surreal to see the first photo of Erika and Jamison via email. It all was surreal until my husband and I met him, just a few days later.

Here are some photos from the "Welcome Home Jamison" get together that Erika and Mike's family had the weekend after he was born.

this photo was from 2002 - a year after we graduated college

this is the beautiful Jamison!





Congrats Erika & Mike!

Can't wait to watch Jamison grow and keep photographing him!!!

See you Sunday for his birth announcement pix!!!!





I love these shots! Love the blog!


thanks Jana!
so good to see you a few weeks ago!!


i can't believe that picture of the ice cream sandwiches. what was the story behind those. we look 12 years old!!! i love the whole sight...


All images on this blog are COPYRIGHT protected.

Images are not to be reproduced, downloaded or published without permission from Catalina Photography.



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You can check out more of my work at www.catalinaphotography.com
I am happy to answer any questions you might have and always appreciate your feedback via this blog or email me at