This past week, I spent 3 days in Raleigh, NC at the Touch of Color Photography Studio, attending an "Almost Alone with David Williams" seminar and let me tell you - I am SO INSPIRED!!!!
David Williams is a world-renowned Australian wedding and portrait photographer, and for 3 days, a small group of 13 of us were shown hundreds of prints, ideas and ways to photograph brides, grooms (who, BTW "are not the ultimate bride's accessory" as David Williams likes to say), groups, children and young adults.
We had a chance to go to a church and see David take photos of groups with various lighting. Also, before class and at lunchtime, we had a chance to photograph each other if we wished.
I am an avid note taker and in 3 days, I filled up an ENTIRE legal notepad. THAT'S how much information he gave and how much I plan on transcribe, study and apply to my work from this point forward.
Here are some images I took, taking some of David's suggestions into action - these were some of the other attendees of this course.
the fabulous, funny David Williams
Aaron, who let me try his kick-ass 85mm f 1.2 lens - which totally rocks!
the BEAUTIFUL Denise, who flew all the way down from New York to take the course!
my friend Jason Miczek - a rockin' photographer!
Neil, Raleigh-area photographer who does it all!
sweet Amber, who has a GORGEOUS pair of green eyes
and yours truly, photograph taken by Jason